As you may have noticed, there hasn't really been any updates for about a year now. Thankfully that's not because nothing has happened in my life. Hmm, that's a double negative. I think. Anyway, I will do my best not to neglect it this year. The summer could potentially see me gone for a while again, but that's a ways away yet, so we won't worry about that for now. In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful display of creative genius otherwise known as nature, and try not to stalk me now that you know what street I live on.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
As you may have noticed, there hasn't really been any updates for about a year now. Thankfully that's not because nothing has happened in my life. Hmm, that's a double negative. I think. Anyway, I will do my best not to neglect it this year. The summer could potentially see me gone for a while again, but that's a ways away yet, so we won't worry about that for now. In the meantime, enjoy this beautiful display of creative genius otherwise known as nature, and try not to stalk me now that you know what street I live on.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
We're jammin', and I hope you like jammin' too...

Is necessary for this...

15 jars of homemade blackberry jam. The blackberry season is at it's peak right now. I made a little trip to the edge of town this afternoon and picked for a couple of hours. 3 ice cream pails made this much jam with two cookie sheet trays left over. I already picked a couple of times last week, and have about 20 pie's worth in the freezer. After all, blackberries only ripen once a year...
Incidentally, theres also over 2 kg of sugar in these little jars. However, my philosophy when it comes to sweets is: either make it so it tastes good, or make it so its healthy, but don't go for both, because then you end up with neither.
Incidentally, theres also over 2 kg of sugar in these little jars. However, my philosophy when it comes to sweets is: either make it so it tastes good, or make it so its healthy, but don't go for both, because then you end up with neither.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Well, I'm happy to announce, I am once again mobile. I insured my bike a couple of weeks ago, and have been loving every minute of it. She has a new playmate too. Well, more like a new organ donor. I went to a shop to get a couple of cheap tires so I could sell my bike, because so many things were going wrong with it, and I was tired of spending money. But wouldn't you know, they had a bike the same year and model as mine. So for the paltry sum of $450, I got myself a parts bike that should last me for years. The engine alone is worth $500 if it runs, which I confirmed a couple of nights ago after swapping the gas tanks and spark plugs, hooking it up to a car battery so I wouldn't fry the starter, and shorting the starter solenoid with screw-driver to turn over the engine.
But I digress. Where was I... oh yes, the parts bike has easily over $1000 worth of parts if I were to buy them individually.
I even had a buddy give me some actual riding boots (thanks Jay!). They're actually waterproof. Such luxury is almost too wonderful to comprehend. The thought of dry feet in the rain.... ahhhhh......
Let the good times roll.
But I digress. Where was I... oh yes, the parts bike has easily over $1000 worth of parts if I were to buy them individually.
I even had a buddy give me some actual riding boots (thanks Jay!). They're actually waterproof. Such luxury is almost too wonderful to comprehend. The thought of dry feet in the rain.... ahhhhh......
Let the good times roll.